the messenger游戏多少钱(My favourite season 的英语作文 我要秋天的作文)

2023-05-29 11:37:11

My favourite season 的英语作文 我要秋天的作文

My Favourite Season
There are four major seasons in a year.These are (i) Winter (ii) Spring (iii) Summer and (iv) Rainy season.Every season has its own merits and demerits.But there is no denying the fact that every season has a vital role to play in the cycle of Nature and every season is significant for all life forms on the earth.Like it is said that the importance of water is known only to those who have to stay thirsty for some time,similarly a season becomes enjoyable for us because it comes after a given period.
For example,we all like the Spring season because it comes after Winter period.So,the coming of Spring brings a message of for us,the from the bitterly cold climate,chilly winds,foggy nights and so on.Even Nature is at her best in this season.Flowers of various kinds and colour begin to bloom covering the whole earth with variety of shades and adding to the beauty of Nature.In the same way,Summer season has its merits.
In India,though summers are very hot and humid,yet people wait for this season because it brings for them Mango,the King of fruit.Winter has its importance for us because most of the green vegetables are found in this season.Even the animals give a lot of milk in the season as there is a lot of fodder available to them.But the season which I like the most is the Rainy Season which comes just after the Summer season.In India,we also know this season by the name of Monsoon season.
It is a very important season for Indian economy because it brings rain which is a prominent source of water for the country.The summer season dries the soil completely.Trees and plants stand withered due to hot waves.Animals and birds are unable to get enough water to quench their thirst.Therefore,in May and June schools and colleges are kept closed because of scorching heat.But as soon as July comes,all the schools and colleges are opened.Trees become green once again.The entire earth puts on a green cloak.Flowers and buds can be seen on trees.Great poets have glorified this season.The great Hindi poet,Kalidas glorified this season through his great epic "Megh Doota" or "Cloud Messenger".The poets compose songs particularly for this season.Even musicians have composed a special Raga "Megh Malhar",to be sung in this season.
The weather becomes so much pleasant that even peacocks dance in this season to show the elation of their heart.A particular pleasant smell rises from the dry earth when a shower of rain falls.This smell reminds us of the purity of our soil and inspires us with the most patriotic thoughts.To me,this smell is sweeter and more fragrant than even the most costly perfumes.It is a real treat to eyes to sit in the corridor of my home and watch the rain-drops falling from the sky to the earth.Their clattering noise produces a particular music for my ears.When it hails,it gives me extra happiness to enjoy small round pearls of snow.How cold and fresh they appear to be!It is really a wonderful season to enjoy our life the most.

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